Employees Who Feel Heard Are 4.6x More Productive

How's Today?
2 min readAug 25, 2020


In a recent study conducted by Salesforce, it was shown that “employees who feel their voice is heard at work are nearly five-times (4.6X) more likely to feel empowered to perform their best work, and employees who say their company provides equal opportunities are nearly four times (3.8X) more likely to say they are proud to work for their company.

Photo by Shridhar Gupta

The report expands on these findings. “We’ve all heard stories about the brand new intern who pipes up with a great solution to a problem or a quiet employee who changes the course of a company with an innovative idea, but these scenarios simply aren’t going to happen if meetings are conducted in a way that people feel their voice or point of view isn’t going to be heard.”

Noting that, “everyone should have a right to add value to meetings; no one should be made to feel invisible. If employees feel respected, they can be solid contributors to the company’s mission.”

Photo by Andrew Neel

Essentially, when employees feel that their opinions about their jobs matter, or that they can inform how their company operates, they enjoy their jobs more, which in motivates them to perform at their best.

Employee feedback can come from all hands meetings, employee reviews, yearly surveys and more. How’s Today creates a channel for this feedback to be sent from employees to relevant management as an ongoing check-in, mediated by professionals trained in mental health, management and company culture.

Stop paying for external consultants and learn from your employees, who know your business best.



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How's Today?

Written by How's Today?

Advocating for mental health support services.

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