How’s Today Explained in 3 Steps
Digital scaffolding that can support any existing wellness program, How’s Today checks in with students once or twice a year via short questions about how they feel about their school life. Questions are developed by, and student answers are forwarded to, client-dedicated teams of mental health professionals who process the responses, to be forwarded to a school, college, or university’s guidance center, and relevant staff.
Step 1:
Client-Dedicated Mental Health Professionals Develop & Send Questions to Students, Students Answer via Secure Webform.
Step 2:
Answers are Forwarded to & Processed By Client-Dedicated Mental Health Professionals.
Step 3:
A Report is Sent to a Guidance/Wellness Center or Relevant Staff as a Summary of Feedback, a List of Who They Should Reach Out To, and Support Resources.
How’s Today helps students offer feedback about their school environment, while educators & administration keep track of overall student wellness — fostering a conversation between education stakeholders, improving a learning environment equitably.
There’s no new software to learn, questions are asked via a simple form and reports are sent in a reader-friendly .pdf format. A school can begin collecting feedback and being alerted of possible interventions to be made as soon as one week after onboarding. Questions are surveyed on a staggered basis so feedback is provided through the school year.
To learn more about the onboarding process, you can visit our website or follow us on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter.